Caught in the undertow

with every leap I make, I end down below

With great effort I overtake, only to find the undertow

The memories are deep and vivid, the scars are torn from rind

The wounds are fresh on skin, and laid out to show

A spiral never ends, the only constant is change,

when the fortune shines, I find the undertow.

All sleepless nights combined, the while I spent alone;

The feeling stays with me, how did I find this low.

Forever with a hope, of a power surge; I am reminded that,

sorrow is limited, I shall surpass the undertow.


Each day, every day and all day long, we see things some we remember others we forget, there are certain pieces of information that leave great impact on us.

It’s been a few day since a piece of information was brought before me, I got mildly affected by it but it didn’t stay for long, and suddenly today a similar news showed up which caught my attention.

I envisioned a state of mind extremely difficult but may be liberating, if achieved. A mind with thoughts that fuel iron grit into my actions and actions that resonate strength and power.

He who has personified such strength has set himself free, every day he wakes up and drags face hard against the thorns of reality but with a serene belief of liberation, he moves ahead little by little, bearing the pain and fading into short serenity



Reinvention 2

A deconstruction in the patterns of your actions, it has made you more decisive than before which means that you’re able to take more actions instead of pondering

You knew the following then and you feel this now that it will give rise to you having to start the path of reconstruction all over again.
Treading on this path however is leaving scars of humiliation, as from the third eye, it looks ugly, grotesque even. It may be looking like you have no idea.
I have always been better than you, I always will be.